Open APIs for DAPP Developer

We offer a 'contract product pricing feature' for the protocol, which involves soliciting quotes from MarketMakers and then returning the best pricing results back to SOFA. Users will subsequently have a choice to execute or reject the trade. Given the need to interface with different MarketMakers depending on the underlying contract, products will distinguished by contract type.

  • Description
    • Supports a list of RFQs composed of the same vault+chainId.
POST /rfq/dnt/recommended-quote

Input parameters

Field Name Required Type Description
list array[object]
vault true string Contract information
chainId true int Chain ID
expiry true long Second-level timestamp for the expiry date, e.g., 1672387200
lowerBarrier true number Lower price
upperBarrier true number Upper price
depositAmount true number RFQ purchase amount
inputApyDefinition true string The underlying code is Enum indicating how the input APY is calculatedOptimusDefaultAPY, BinanceDntAPY, AaveLendingAPY
protectedApy false number Guaranteed annual yield (empty for RISKY, required for protected)
fundingApy false number AAVE annual yield (empty for RISKY, required for protected)

Input Parameter Example


Output Parameters

Field Name Type Description
code int 0 indicates that the return result is normal
message string Error message returned in case of an exception
value list[object]


Field Name Type Description
vault string Contract address
chainId int Chain ID
riskType string Risk type: PROTECTED, RISKY
forCcy string Underlying currency
domCcy string Currency pair
depositCcy string Subscription currency
lowerBarrier number Lower price
upperBarrier number Upper price
depositAmount number RFQ purchase amount
expiry long Expiry timestamp (e.g., 1672387200)
protectedReturnAmount number Total amount of guaranteed return, in the same unit as depositCcy
fundingAmount number Estimated yield for the period; zero for non-guaranteed types
enhancedReturnAmount number Total amount of extra return when not knocked out, in the same unit as depositCcy
timestamp long Current pricing's trigger time; the next observation start time is calculated based on this logic
observationStart long Estimated start time of observation for knocking in/out based on timestamp
quote object
anchorPrices list[string] 20000000000, 30000000000
makerCollateral string Maker's collateral amount
totalCollateral string Total collateral amount (Taker+Maker)
collateralAtRiskPercentage string Required when guaranteed (can be empty)
deadline long Expiration timestamp (e.g., 1672387200)
makerWallet string Maker's wallet (can be empty)
signature string Signature (can be empty)

Output Parameters example



  • Notes:
    • Please do not pass the user's wallet address on a pure inquiry request.
    • A user's wallet address should be passed on only upon subscribing.
GET /rfq/dnt/quote

Input Parameters

Field Name Required Type Description
vault true string Contract information
chainId true int Chain ID
expiry true long Second-level timestamp for the expiry date, e.g., 1672387200
lowerBarrier true number Lower price
upperBarrier true number Upper price
depositAmount true number RFQ purchase amount
inputApyDefinition true string The underlying code is Enum indicating how the input APY is calculatedOptimusDefaultAPY, BinanceDntAPY, AaveLendingAPY
protectedApy false number Guaranteed annual yield (empty for RISKY, required for protected)
fundingApy false number AAVE annual yield (empty for RISKY, required for protected)
takerWallet false string Inquirer's wallet public address information

Output Parameters

Field Name Type Description
code int 0 indicates that the return result is normal
message string Error message returned in case of an exception
value list[object]


Field Name Type Description
vault string Contract address
chainId int Chain ID
riskType string Risk type: PROTECTED, RISKY
forCcy string Underlying currency
domCcy string Currency pair
depositCcy string Subscription currency
lowerBarrier number Lower price
upperBarrier number Upper price
depositAmount number RFQ purchase amount
expiry long Expiry timestamp (e.g., 1672387200)
protectedReturnAmount number Total amount of guaranteed return, in the same unit as depositCcy
fundingAmount number Estimated yield for the period; zero for non-guaranteed types
enhancedReturnAmount number Total amount of extra return when not knocked out, in the same unit as depositCcy
timestamp long Current pricing's trigger time; the next observation start time is calculated based on this logic
observationStart long Estimated start time of observation for knocking in/out based on timestamp
quote object
anchorPrices list[string] 20000000000, 30000000000
makerCollateral string Maker's collateral amount
totalCollateral string Total collateral amount (Taker+Maker)
collateralAtRiskPercentage string Required when guaranteed (can be empty)
deadline long Expiration timestamp (e.g., 1672387200)
makerWallet string Maker's wallet (can be empty)
signature string Signature (can be empty)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""