Market Maker Onboarding Process

We welcome new Market Makers (MMs) to join SOFA's ecosystem, subject to a qualification process and participation fee. Here's how to apply:

Step 1: Submit Application

Email your Market Maker application to with the following:

A. Email Subject: "Market Maker Application -"

B. Application Details:

  • Full Name
  • Option Market Making Experience (if applicable)
  • Discord ID (if applicable)
  • Telegram ID
  • Twitter Handle (if applicable)
  • Email Address
  • Market Maker Wallet Address

Step 2: Participation Fee

Successful applicants are required to contribute to our protocol's tokenomics model by purchasing and burning $RCH tokens equivalent to 25,000 USDT. Detailed instructions will be provided upon application approval. All prior and existing market makers have satisfied this requirement.

Step 3: Whitelisting

Upon completion of steps 1 and 2, you'll be whitelisted and granted access as a Market Maker. We're committed to maintaining an open and competitive marketplace, as well as ensuring the quality and commitment of our product liquidity providers.

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