Open APIs for Market Maker



  1. To ensure transaction security, use HTTPS for transmission.
  2. JSON is the data interchange format.
  3. UTF-8 character encoding is universally applied.
  4. Interface signing algorithm utilizes HMAC-SHA256.
  5. UNIX millisecond timestamp is used, representing the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 0:00:00.



name type remark
H-Request-Id string [Header]Request ID, unique
H-Api-Key string [Header]API Key
H-Timestamp long [Header]Valid timestamp,e.g., 1672387200000
H-Nonce string [Header]Random string
Authorization string [Header]Signature,e.g.,:[mm_id]-hmac-sha256 signature


name type ramark
code integer [Body]Error code
message string [Body]Error reason
value T [Body]Result

Signature Generation

Our RFQ platform requires partner signatures to approve requests, followed by a verification procedure. A verification failure will lead to a platform rejection with a 401 Unauthorized response.

Building the signature string:

The signature string consists of five lines, each representing a parameter. Each line ends with a semicolon, including the last line. The valid timestamp and the request nonce are taken from the H-Timestamp and H-Nonce parameters in the header, respectively.


Populating the signature

Use the SecretKey to encrypt StringToSign using HMAC-SHA256.

StringToSign = Timestamp + ";" + NonceStr + ";" + UPPERCASE(HTTP_METHOD()) + ";" + URI() + ";" + RequestBody + ";";
Signature = BASE64_STRING( HMAC-SHA256( BASE64_DECODE(SecretKey), StringToSign ) );

Setting HTTP Headers

The request transmits the signature through the HTTP Authorization header. The Authorization header comprises of two parts: authentication type and signature information.

Authorization: AuthenticationType SignatureInformation
  1. Authentication Type: [mm_id]-hmac-sha256
  2. Signature Information: Signature
Authorization: [mm_id]-hmac-sha256 Signature


  • The request method should be in UPPERCASE.
  • The RequestBody used for the signature must match the content of the request's body.
  • For GET and DELETE requests, the URI should include the request parameters (e.g., /api/v1/result?orderId=123).
    • If there is no request body (common for GET requests), the request body should be an empty string ("").
  • The valid timestamp (H-Timestamp) is determined by the requester; requests extending beyond the valid timestamp will be rejected by the RFQ server.


Provide DNT RFQ Quote

GET rfq/dnt/quote


name required type description
vault true string Vault address
chainId true int Chain ID
expiry true long Expiry time in seconds timestamp,e.g., 1672387200
lowerBarrier true number Lower barrier
upperBarrier true number Upper barrier
depositAmount true number Deposit
premiumAmount true number Premium
protectedFundingAmount false number Protected interest(null when RISKY)
deadline true long Quote deadline,e.g., 1672387200
takerWallet false string Taker wallet address
anchorPricesDecimal true long
makerCollateralDecimal true long
collateralAtRiskDecimal true long
totalCollateralDecimal true long
underlyingPair true string Underlying Pair, e.g. BTC-USDT
trackingSource true string Data sources are used to track the underlying value, e.g. DERIBIT
depositCoin true string Currency / Coin of the premium paid to subscribe DNT
tradingFeeRate true number
settlementFeeRate true number
riskType true string Type:PROTECTED, RISKY


name type description
timestamp long Quote timestamp
vault string
chainId int
expiry long Expiry timestamp,e.g., 1672387200
anchorPrices list[string] 20000000000,30000000000
makerCollateral string
totalCollateral string
collateralAtRisk string E18
makerBalanceThreshold string
deadline long Quote deadline timestamp
makerWallet string
signature string .



Request URL




Provide Bull/Bear Trend RFQ Quote

GET rfq/smart-trend/quote


name required type description
vault true string Vault address
chainId true int Chain ID
expiry true long Expiry time in seconds timestamp,e.g., 1672387200
direction true string BULLISH / BEARISH
lowerStrike true number Lower barrier
upperStrike true number Upper barrier
depositAmount true number Deposit
premiumAmount true number Premium
protectedFundingAmount false number Protected interest(null when RISKY)
deadline true long Quote deadline,e.g., 1672387200
takerWallet false string Taker wallet address
anchorPricesDecimal true long
makerCollateralDecimal true long
collateralAtRiskDecimal true long
totalCollateralDecimal true long
underlyingPair true string Underlying Pair, e.g. BTC-USDT
trackingSource true string Data sources are used to track the underlying value, e.g. DERIBIT
tradingFeeRate true number
settlementFeeRate true number
depositCoin true string Currency / Coin of the premium paid to subscribe Smart Trend
riskType true string Type:PROTECTED, RISKY


name type description
timestamp long Quote timestamp
vault string
chainId int
expiry long Expiry timestamp,e.g., 1672387200
anchorPrices list[string] 20000000000,30000000000
makerCollateral string
totalCollateral string
collateralAtRisk string E18
deadline long Quote deadline timestamp
makerWallet string
signature string .


Provide Dual RFQ Quote

GET rfq/dual/quote


name required type description
vault true string Vault address
chainId true int Chain ID
expiry true long Expiry time in seconds timestamp,e.g., 1672387200
strike true number Strike price
type true string CALL or PUT
depositAmount true number Deposit
deadline true long Quote deadline,e.g., 1672387200
refDateTime true long current request time
takerWallet false string Taker wallet address
anchorPriceDecimal true long
makerCollateralDecimal true long
totalCollateralDecimal true long
underlyingPair true string Underlying Pair, e.g. BTC-USDT
trackingSource true string Data sources are used to track the underlying value, e.g. DERIBIT
depositCoin true string Currency / Coin of the premium paid to subscribe Dual
depositCoinTokenAddress true string
depositCoinTokenDecimal true long
tradingFeeRate true number .


name type description
timestamp long Quote timestamp
vault string
chainId int
expiry long Expiry timestamp,e.g., 1672387200
anchorPrice string 20000000000
makerCollateral string
totalCollateral string
deadline long Quote deadline timestamp
makerWallet string
signature string .


Code Message
1000 system error.
2001 sign error.
2002 param error.
3001 Requested information does not exist.
3002 Deposit amount is outside depositRange.
3003 Maximum subscriptions limit is reached.
3004 Subscription failed due to too much difference in premiumAmount.
3005 Quote failed.
3006 Temporarily do not provide service.
3007 Api rate limit exceeded. Try slow down.
3100 Order creation failed.

Required Functions